Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Starbucks green tea

*Whees* I got my starbucks green tea! finally i got it~~

~ I feel so so so good, happy and touch when people gives me help at critical moment ~

I was feeling so frustrated with THE assignment at that night

struggling for whole day &

worried that i couldn't finish it

I'm feeling so lucky that

someone help me out in this assignment



having problem with my online blogshop layout and design

as i was lack of knowledge about handling it.

blogging, design, & other skills

all sucks... i got no idea about it

luckily i got such a nice friend and pro in editing pic

help me out and surprise me with his hard works

i appreciate it very much

feel touch & lucky

Thanks Stev, i will remember i owe u one!

You're so nice *winks*

One more to go,

I was so frustrated and depress at the night

of rushing assignment

feel so tired and yet i have to stand until im done

It's 12am midnight,

a delivery of starbucks green tea from him

make me feel surprised and touched...

He drives all the way from TK,

to buy me a green tea at this time..

really got no words can say already.

Thanks kiwi~~

I'm feeling so lucky got all of you as my friends

I feel warm and touch with all helps given to me


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy life

Every night

a glass of red wine

make me feel better

i can easily fall asleep &

do not need to rely on medicine

my mind is -->> blur? peace? blank?

my heart is -->> pain? hurt? bleed?

I don't know

Nightmare never end easily..

Although i can fall asleep,

i can't sleep peaceful.


Busy With new sem ~~

Test - - Assignment -- Presentation -- Tutorial work

This sem is really tough for me

I have to face and overcome those challenges

- must study hard
- control my emotional
- must be strong
- do not give up
- Im not allow to disappointed ppl who concern me
- get rid of those frustrated stuff


I read about this para from somewhere

I feel is very meaningful

Life is like a marathon,
a game with no losers,
So whether the means justifies the end
or the end justifies the means,
You be the one to define.


Sometimes i need ppl listen to my heart
understand more on me & be considerate
Now i realize,
before they doing so,
I should take the first step to do so.

I just need a person who can accompany me!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A place for me

I wonder when can i get back to normal life

no direction, no dreams,
Meaningless days and life
he turn my sky into grey
day after day
its remain unchanged
i know i choose a tougher way
i do not regret
as i don't wish to fall into
the worst situation
i dont want to hate you
since i chosen this way
it is hard for me to recover
back normal life
seems getting far away from me
i knew my stubborn cost me alot
and i just don't know what to do
at this moment

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Define Goals

~ Wishes ~

- Travel to other places
- Back to normal life v peaceful life
- Cure my skin problems
- Complete my studies
- Success & Expand my business
- Solve my financial problems
- Get stuff that I long for

Life is easy
if everything can be solve by a smile
I wish everybody is happy
with a smile on face