Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy life

Every night

a glass of red wine

make me feel better

i can easily fall asleep &

do not need to rely on medicine

my mind is -->> blur? peace? blank?

my heart is -->> pain? hurt? bleed?

I don't know

Nightmare never end easily..

Although i can fall asleep,

i can't sleep peaceful.


Busy With new sem ~~

Test - - Assignment -- Presentation -- Tutorial work

This sem is really tough for me

I have to face and overcome those challenges

- must study hard
- control my emotional
- must be strong
- do not give up
- Im not allow to disappointed ppl who concern me
- get rid of those frustrated stuff


I read about this para from somewhere

I feel is very meaningful

Life is like a marathon,
a game with no losers,
So whether the means justifies the end
or the end justifies the means,
You be the one to define.


Sometimes i need ppl listen to my heart
understand more on me & be considerate
Now i realize,
before they doing so,
I should take the first step to do so.

I just need a person who can accompany me!


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