Monday, September 28, 2009

New hair style

New Hair style, New life, New qian

梁詠琪 - 短髮

Mid-sem break

I had fully utilise the whole week break
I have been spending few days to complete the video
for me, its not perfect but satisfied...
happy to get things done..

I went shopping with my family.
They accompany me shop for the birthday present for few hours.
So nice... even though i spend alot and yet i didnt get the stuff i like for myself
im happy that i get nice present for my dad, sister, alice and aaron.
Just hope that they will like the present too.

Alice's birthday celebration @ korean bbq taipan
Goey, alice & me
we were trying the korean food for first time
quite shame as we don't know how to eat
luckily the staff there is very kind and teach us one by one
the bbq chicken is delicious.. i love bbq chicken..
the soup is nice and spicy.. HOT HOT..
comfortable environment and all staffs there are nice!
-- always my lovely one -- *heart*

Movie time
I went to watch -where got ghost- with my parents and my aunt and her family.
Its quite funny.. somehow i get disappointed as the movie constituted 3 different stories
which i don't really like it..
I guess my expectation too high so that i disappointed.

Time v friend
Now only i realize that we had been friend for 10 years.
sound like we are getting old already...
looking back 10 years ago, we were still kids and studying & playing around together
Now we are busying with our life.
problems arise more and more,
we got to learn to accept fact, handle it and be strong.
i might not able to fully understand how ur feel, but i will always support you no matter what.
To yong yong: Please take good care of yourself, do what you think is right! I support you!

Another day again,
i went out shopping with my cousin
we were chit chat while having our tea time.
she told me alots and her experience that how to earn money
i wish i can learn from her
she can earn alot of money and have a good life even though she not good in study.
but she is willing to learn.
So, i had decided to take the nail art course. i wish i can achieve the life that i want to..

The night,
mamak-ing with those form 5 friends,
its been long time that we didnt mamak together.
like usual, it is still few of us hanging out together.
somehow, i can feel some strange and distance,
maybe we are not always together,
topics getting lesser and not really know how...
but still having some fun with you guys!
looking forward to the next trip.

Another busy day,
I promised myself that i won't step out my room today
must guai guai stay in room doing audit assignment
but i cant hold it..
A call from my cousin who ask for help to be her practice model,
im not able to reject it..
So, i went out again.....

the last day of my holidays,
went back to my grandma house @ sasaran
its been so long i didnt go back there..
as when the sem start,
everyday got so busy....

Time pass so fast...
and its never stop...
i wonder when i can have a healthy life...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Study Break


Time management is really important

as i got not enough time to spend on

Have to decide which one come first and what to do later

life is sucks with so many things happen in once

I hate assignmentssss...... i hate attend lecture and tutorial...

WHat the purpose of it? i do not know...

i want a healthy life.......

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Kinda emo for these 2 days

I can't really find out what actually happen on me

Feel sad and crying at the night

I just wish to be left alone and quietly

don't feel like talking to people

Monday, September 14, 2009

opportunity cost

In economics, there is a theory - opportunity cost

which defined as the next best alternatives that we forgo in order to

achieve the best one...

I wonder what is my opportunity cost here,

In order to accomplish one of my wish,

i need to forgo/ postpone the next option which i wish to get it as well.

i wish to go travel, and now im put in alot of effort

trying to collect enough money for it

On the other hand, i wish to taking the course of manicure

I only afford to choose one of it

last time, i got think of want to be manicurist...

but there are still more factors to be considered as well...

I couldn't simply make a decision

Seriously, i don't know what should i do?

I hope i can make a right decision soon....

12 - 09 - 2009 (Birthday celebration of uncle's 60 years old)

Family dinner

A memorable day

Its been a long time we don't have such a huge family dinner

& all of us are taking so many pics here and there

We took pics until our camera are low battery

I wish to take more and more pic together

This is the memories belong to us

WIll never forget it

There is one person that i wish she could be here as well

but its impossible

I believe she will be happy seeing that all of us gather together

I really miss her so much...

I wish to talk to her, hear from her, sharing my happiness & sadness with her

But i got no chance to do all this...

WHAT I had is just the memories which belong to me and her in my mind...

I love her so much...

*3 little cuties with me*

*My family*


The best things in this world is family members

I love them so much....

*~ Colourful ~*

My life without pics is blank & dull

these days, i seldom take pics

and no motivation to do so

im not happy with my life

im hate seeing my face which is sad and bad mood

I don't wish to capture the sad moments &

I don't want to have sad memories...

From this second,

I would want to hold my camera again

and start my new journey together with my cam,

I would want to capture every moments

which is meaningful and memorable for me...

I wish....

Every moments in my new life that i captured are colourful and happy


I want to bring happiness to people around me in stead of trouble and sadness


Today is so special and important

as it is 09-09-09 and

my Financial Planning (FP) presentation fall on today

I been busy preparing the contents with

my groupmates: xuan, fish and aaron

(3 scorpios with 1 virgo)

for the past few days

I stress and mad for those few days

I feel glad that You all are besides me

and help me out for everything

I appreaciate all that you all did for me...

Thanks my dear frens....*muahz*

Nice & enjoys hang out together *whee*

I'm over nervous until stomachache in the morning

Getting so many support from all of you

its make me feel better

I guess because got all of you beside me

I feel ok and not really that nervous and scare when i was presenting

My worries is unnecessary...

Guess this is the first time i feel so much better and enjoys

when i was presenting

Thanks guys again...

The presentation is good and

we get a good feedback from Lisa Yong

*so happy and feel nice* - you all did a good job!

Having a replacement class from 4pm - 6pm is really tiring..

the only thing that motivate me is

having dinner together with you guys at taipan...

*wondering when can we try the simply nyonya food*

I meet the hair stylist guy - Jian Rong at taipan, the saloon he works

kinda disappointing after saw his hair style that not really look nice

*i believe next time we meet, you'll have better look*

*~ Here is some of the pics ~*

*formal attire*

*im ss-ing* & *keep asking aaron to take pic*

random shot while they're busy doing worksheet

*~ Cute fishies ~*

My laptop screen for one whole week
- doing research for fp presentation -

* our dinner at taipan*

*nice dinner*

It's a memorable day


and i spend the day with you all

feel satisfied and happy

will never forget what we had for today

Thanks guys...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Apple Lemonade

Happy *winks*

Time pass so fast when we spend it on something we enjoys and likes

Really happy & enjoys hang out with girls *my ji mui*

I appreaciate these few hours alot.. Thanks, mei for spending time with us

I saw you're happy and touch with what we did for you

I'm happy and satisfied

I wonder when is our next time to meet ?

Take care ya~~ *miss you*

Apple + lemon = Apple lemonade

Will my smile last forever???

U changed alot...
I think i should learn from you
learn to be independent
strong and enjoy our life
i will try my best
lets work hard together
look forward to the day we'll meet again
miss ya