Monday, September 14, 2009


Today is so special and important

as it is 09-09-09 and

my Financial Planning (FP) presentation fall on today

I been busy preparing the contents with

my groupmates: xuan, fish and aaron

(3 scorpios with 1 virgo)

for the past few days

I stress and mad for those few days

I feel glad that You all are besides me

and help me out for everything

I appreaciate all that you all did for me...

Thanks my dear frens....*muahz*

Nice & enjoys hang out together *whee*

I'm over nervous until stomachache in the morning

Getting so many support from all of you

its make me feel better

I guess because got all of you beside me

I feel ok and not really that nervous and scare when i was presenting

My worries is unnecessary...

Guess this is the first time i feel so much better and enjoys

when i was presenting

Thanks guys again...

The presentation is good and

we get a good feedback from Lisa Yong

*so happy and feel nice* - you all did a good job!

Having a replacement class from 4pm - 6pm is really tiring..

the only thing that motivate me is

having dinner together with you guys at taipan...

*wondering when can we try the simply nyonya food*

I meet the hair stylist guy - Jian Rong at taipan, the saloon he works

kinda disappointing after saw his hair style that not really look nice

*i believe next time we meet, you'll have better look*

*~ Here is some of the pics ~*

*formal attire*

*im ss-ing* & *keep asking aaron to take pic*

random shot while they're busy doing worksheet

*~ Cute fishies ~*

My laptop screen for one whole week
- doing research for fp presentation -

* our dinner at taipan*

*nice dinner*

It's a memorable day


and i spend the day with you all

feel satisfied and happy

will never forget what we had for today

Thanks guys...


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