Monday, September 14, 2009

12 - 09 - 2009 (Birthday celebration of uncle's 60 years old)

Family dinner

A memorable day

Its been a long time we don't have such a huge family dinner

& all of us are taking so many pics here and there

We took pics until our camera are low battery

I wish to take more and more pic together

This is the memories belong to us

WIll never forget it

There is one person that i wish she could be here as well

but its impossible

I believe she will be happy seeing that all of us gather together

I really miss her so much...

I wish to talk to her, hear from her, sharing my happiness & sadness with her

But i got no chance to do all this...

WHAT I had is just the memories which belong to me and her in my mind...

I love her so much...

*3 little cuties with me*

*My family*


The best things in this world is family members

I love them so much....


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